
Digital service tax: is an international agreement reachable?
“France demands tax payments from big techs”: you may have heard this over and over in the past few weeks. Indeed, this statement refers...
Umberto De Vito
Dec 6, 20205 min read

The COVID Vaccine Race
Competitors, current progress and the EU’s position It has now been several months since the COVID-19 pandemic took the entire globe by...
Orsola Zocchi
Nov 22, 20209 min read

ESM: a trap or an opportunity?
The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is stronger than anyone would have imagined. Our hospitals are suffering. Now more than ever, it...
Umberto De Vito
Nov 15, 20206 min read

How moody are your sources?
Data Storytelling n.1 The words we use tell a lot about the way we feel. I used this simple wisdom in previous articles to explore the...
Vittorio Vergano
Nov 11, 20209 min read