
The Role of the European Central Bank in controlling Inflation
Photo by Jurien on Flickr Inflation can be defined as a general increase in prices in an economy or a decrease in the purchasing power of...
Filippo Negri
Apr 12, 20235 min read

A Struggling, Imperilled Union. Gloomy Tales of High Inflation
Source: Pexels Throughout the two decades prior to our tumultuous year of 2022, the inflation rate in the European Union (EU) averaged...
Iorgus Serghei Cicala
Jan 7, 20235 min read

Are we heading towards another lost decade?
The Covid-19 pandemic, and the containment measures coming with it, have led to a sharp fall in GDP last year, with the ECB estimating a...
Edoardo Cattaneo
Apr 18, 20217 min read

A digital euro? The ECB’s take on a fully digital currency
On 2 October 2020, the European Central Bank published a report presenting its considerations on the possibility of a digital euro,...
Federico Mammana
Nov 1, 20206 min read