Ivan Petrone
Apr 6, 20205 min read
Europe is financially well-equipped to deal with the coronavirus shock, but it has to decide what it
Europe is fighting a war, it is clear. No doubt that the priority must be people’s health. However, we cannot ignore that our economies...
Dorian Le Jeune
Apr 1, 20205 min read
Why we should re-think our relationship with science
The current crisis provides us with several painful lessons to learn. One of them concerns the way the society interacts with science. As...
Charlotte Louwagie
Mar 23, 20205 min read
The media infected Europe before the coronavirus
As I am sitting in one of the numerous university libraries in Singapore, where I'm currently on a student exchange, I stay alert to...
Chiara Guasti
Mar 21, 20205 min read
"But where was the EU?" How Europe failed Italy in the midst of a health crisis
The EU’s first actions with respect to the COVID-19 global emergency started when, following the first few cases registered in the Union,...