
Sudden stops and the EMU
Economic Models: from theory to application n.1 The European Economic Community, the ancestor of the European Union (EU) as we know it...
Laure Anique
Nov 16, 20205 min read

Europe’ Stockholm syndrome
Geopolitics of the EU n.2 As Biden awaits to be crowned President of the United States, let's take a look at what has been of the EU-US...
Iacopo Andreone
Nov 14, 20203 min read

How moody are your sources?
Data Storytelling n.1 The words we use tell a lot about the way we feel. I used this simple wisdom in previous articles to explore the...
Vittorio Vergano
Nov 11, 20209 min read

New green deal, same old climate change
The EU vs Climate Change n.1 If you're one of those people who have the patience to scroll down on newspapers hoping to find something...
Ada Gianassi
Nov 1, 20205 min read