
Information Warfare on European Cyber-Grounds: a Twitter analysis
Photo by Philipp Katzenberger Ever since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, started on February 24 2022, the general...
Beatrice de Waal
Nov 20, 202211 min read

#Infodemic: assessing trustworthiness of COVID-19 news on Twitter
In February, the World Health Organization made common the use of the term infodemic in newspapers and journals. This expression...
Vittorio Vergano
Mar 28, 20208 min read

People and #Brexit: an analysis of public opinion at the time of Twitter
The fateful day has come; on the night of 31st January, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union. Since the 2016 referendum,...
Vittorio Vergano
Feb 28, 20207 min read