
Teresa Cappelli and Giuseppe Concetti
Oct 7, 20203 min read
EYD roundtable 3: "European Way of Living"
Introduction The debate in the roundtable firstly focused on establishing a common definition for what is otherwise called “European...

Orsola Zocchi and Andrea Casetta
Oct 4, 202010 min read
EYD roundtable 2: "the European Green Deal"
1. The Topic and the Approach Over the last years, it has become increasingly obvious that the phenomena of ecosystemic degradation,...

Paolo Barone
Oct 4, 20203 min read
Shaping European identity at the European Youth Debate
As a member of European Generation only since last semester, arguably not the best timing ever to join an association, the 2020 Edition...

Giulia Comelli and Brando Gandolfi
Sep 27, 20205 min read
EYD roundtable 1: "International Trade"
1. The Topic Our round table was focused on international trade, and in particular we understood it in a wider sense as a tool for...