
Lorenzo De Mare
May 9, 20243 min read
“Europe as a Nation”. Extreme Right and Euroscepticism: necessarily synonymous?
Source: Flickr As the European Parliament election approaches in June, a decisive shift to the right in the European Parliament seems...

Beatrice de Waal and Federico Monti
May 8, 202416 min read
Issues, Ethics, and Policy on Artificial Intelligence: Labour Markets Distortions
Source: Unsplash “As we ponder our uncertain AI future, our goal should not merely be to predict that future, but to create it.” David...

Sorana Ungur
May 6, 20244 min read
Can the Nordic model become a European model in the fight against human trafficking?
Source: Unsplash Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud,...

Teodora Stefan
May 4, 20243 min read
The future of the Automotive Industry following the EU's ban on ICEs
Source: Pexels As the clock ticks towards 2035, Europe gears up for a revolutionary shift in its mobility and transportation ecosystem....